Title : Alien Treat
Label : Matsuri Digital
Artist : Coredata
Cat No. : MD056
Release Date:
Beatport exclusive 2021.05.07 / iTunes etc : 2021.05.21
Pantha から約1年、2020年3月にリリースして以来、再度UKの注目株 Coredataが Alien TreatをMatsuri Digitalからリリース!!
After his popular hit track Pantha on Matsuri last year, producer Johnny Royall delivers another brilliant one that fuses feel-good grooves and otherworldly vibes.
///Release Note///
Pantha から約1年、2020年3月にリリースして以来、再度UKの注目株 Coredataが Alien TreatをMatsuri Digitalからリリース!! Coredataは、John 00 Flemingのレーベル、Joof Recordingsなどからも立て続けにリリースするCoredataは、要注目のプロデューサー。アシッドトランススタイルに完成された本作品は、最近のTSUYOSHIのヘビロテトラック。TSUYOSHIの一押し曲として、是非聴いて欲しい。
Matsuri Digital is pleased to announce another release featuring the fantastic UK artist Coredata in a new single, Alien Treat. After his popular hit track Pantha on Matsuri last year, producer Johnny Royall delivers another brilliant one that fuses feel-good grooves and otherworldly vibes. Alien Treat features an energizing kick, uplifting bassline, wild electronic sounds, and a playful dance between atonal and melodic riffs. The result is a super-trippy but enheartening track that will be raising vibes for listeners at home and dancers at events around the world.
A track that blends the best of old-school uplifting tracks with cutting-edge production and futuristic sounds. You won’t want to miss it!
///Track List///
1.Coredata – Alien Treat
Track Written & Produced and Mastered by Jonny Royall
Art Cover by Neb Motion