Title : Dynamic Life
Artist : Mirson
Cat No.: MD087
Label: Matsuri Digital
Release Date: 2024.03.22 on Beatport etc.
日本在住のイスラエル人アーティスト、Mirsonによるニューシングル「Dynamic Life」をリリース!
Matsuri Digital is pleased to announce the release of a powerful new track by Mirson called Dynamic Life.
/// JPN ///
日本在住イスラエル人アーティスト、MirsonのシングルDynamic Lifeをリリース!!美しいメロディックなイントロから始まり、ワイルドな異世界のサウンドとハーモニーへと変化していくこの作品、是非チェックして欲しい!
/// ENG ///
Matsuri Digital is pleased to announce the release of a powerful new track by Mirson called Dynamic Life.
Mirson is project of Gustavo Ariel Mirson, who has been living in Japan for 15 years. Previously heard in a collaboration with Matsuri founder Tsuyoshi Suzuki in their track Strange Objects, Mirson now delivers this solo high-power stormer for the label.
A beautiful melodic introduction soon gives way to wild otherworldly sounds and harmonies, a wonderful combination of streamlined sonorities and high-energy tension.
Dynamic Life is available on 22 March 2024 – get your copy and prepare to blast off.
Written & Produced by Gustavo Ariel Mirson
Mastered by IDO DOMESTIC
Art Cover by HRK (25mm Design)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mirsonmusic
Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/mirson
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mirson_psytrance/
□Matsuri Digital:
Web : matsuri-digital.com/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/matsuridigitaljp/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MatsuriDigital
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/matsuri-digital/
Bandcamp subscription : matsuridigital.bandcamp.com/subscribe
Instagram: www.instagram.com/matsuri_digital/