Title: Sense of Unity ( on Digital )
Label: Matsuri Digital
Artist: PRANA
Cat No. : MDVYL02 / MD086
Release Date: 1 March 2024
90年代後期に一斉を風靡した「PRANA」が『Sense of Unity』というタイトルで30年ぶりのアルバムをリリース!!
PRANA’s new album Sense of Unity on Digital is Out!!
90年代のゴアトランスの象徴、一世を風靡したゴアトランスバンド「PRANA」が『Sense of Unity』というタイトルで30年ぶりのアルバムをリリース!!
このアルバムは300枚限定のアナログ盤とリミックス作品を含めた2枚組のBooklet CD とデジタル作品をリリースすることが決定している。
PRANA結成時のメンバーNick TaylorとTsuyoshi Suzuki、そして再結成時に加わった100th Monkey ことAndy Guthrieのゴアシーンに影響を深く与える3人が時を経て集い、新しいプロダクションとしてこのリリースをきっかけに再始動。 再結成後初作品としてリリースしたシングルと同名のアルバムタイトル 「Sense Of Unity」 の意味、そしてコンセプトは、PRANAの異なる時代からのメンバーの結集とグローバルに展開しているメンバーの結束この2つを指している。異次元的かつ有機的要素が美しく重なる往年のPRANAの特徴的サウンドにクラシックなメロディと新しい音圧=今のサウンドが見事に融合。高揚する旋律、反響する声、感動的なハーモニー、生命感あふれるリズムによって宇宙の鼓動を感じさせる音の波が魅力的に展開されている。PRANAが30周年を迎える今、このリリースはプロジェクトの転換点であり、絶え間なく進化するサイケデリック・サウンドの新しい始まりであろう。
本作品に含まれる、Skizologic、Etnicaとのコラボ曲や、Nick Taylorによる『Sense of Unity』のリミックスも見逃せない!!
Matsuri Digital is delighted to announce a release that is sure to thrill trance fans around the world: a vinyl set entitled Sense of Unity devoted to new releases by the iconic psychedelic dance music project Prana.
This three-vinyl volume features tracks by the three musicians from the legendary 90s projects’ two iterations – Nick Taylor, Andy Guthrie, and Tsuyoshi Suzuki – working together to create new productions for the first time.
The release is named after the trio’s first collaborative track, Sense of Unity, which was digitally released in September. The inspiration for the title is twofold, referring both to the unification of the musicians from the two incarnations of the iconic band and to the unity of all of us on this planet.
The title production is accompanied by two previously unreleased tracks by the three musicians alongside other collaborations with Skizologic and Etnica, as well as Nick Taylor’s own remix of Sense of Unity.
The music in this landmark release fuses the distinctive trademark elements of the classic Prana sound along with fresh new sonorities and production techniques. The result is a gorgeous revival of this project’s unique blend of otherworldly and earthy qualities, with uplifting melodies, ripping sound waves, echoing voices, evocative harmonies, and vibrant rhythms.
As Prana celebrates their thirtieth anniversary, this vinyl set marks a turning point for the project and a refresh for the ever-evolving sounds in the psychedelic dance music movement. Be sure to get your copy of this landmark release!
///Track List &Credits///
1.You Are The Change feat. Sangita Lakhanpal
Written & Produced by Andy Guthrie, Tsuyoshi Suzuki
Mixed by Andy Guthrie
Additional mixing by Paul Baguley
2.Tribal Essence feat. Ansoumana Bakayoko
Written & Produced by Andy Guthrie, Nick Taylor, Tsuyoshi Suzuki
Mixed by Maor Hasbani and Andy Guthrie
3. Don’t Open The Box
Written & Produced by Andy Guthrie, Maurizio Begotti, Max Lanfranconi, Nick Taylor
4.Sense Of Unity
Written & Produced by Andy Guthrie, Nick Taylor, Tsuyoshi Suzuki
Mixed by Andy Guthrie
Additional mixing by Colin Bennun
5. Shingon
Written & Produced by Andy Guthrie, Tsuyoshi Suzuki
Chant by Masaki Tega
Mixed by Andy Guthrie
Additional mixing by Colin Bennun
6. Samsara
Written & Produced by Maor Hasbani, Tsuyoshi Suzuki
Mixed by Maor Hasbani
7.Sense Of Unity – Nick’s Slime Mix
Written & Produced by Nick Taylor, Andy Guthrie, Tsuyoshi Suzuki
Remixed by Nick Taylor
Mixed by Andy Guthrie
Additional mixing by Colin Bennun
Mastering by Maor Hasbani @ Skizo Studio, Israel
Art by KC
Sleeve Design by Mitsuru Aoki and HRK (25mm Design)
Photography by Jasmine Baguley
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