Title : Nu Goa from Japan Vol.4
Catalog No : MD013
Release Date : 2017/5/16 on Beatport
Track List:
2. Acid Calling
Tracks 1 : Written and Produced by Ree.K
Tracks 2 : Written and Produced by YUTA, Shimodi
Mastered By MASA.
2017年、YUTAが最新のサイケデリックゴアサウンドを探求しアウトプットする ”Nu Goa from Japan” シリーズの第 4 弾、ついに完成!
世界的に話題でなるであろうRee.Kの新曲 ”DASS” 、活動20周年を向かえたゴアトランスバンドJikoohaのShimodiとYUTAによる一年の歳月をかけ完成させた “Acid Calling” が収められた ”Nu Goa from Japan vol.4” はマスタリングにMASAを向かえ分厚い布陣で送る最新EP!
往年のゴアトランスラヴァーズのみならず、アナログシンセの音を好むリスナーまで幅広い層のダンサーに聞いて欲しい渾身のNu Goaサウンドを世界に向け発信する。
The 4th release of “Nu Goa from Japan” series to explore and output the newest psychedelic Goa sound is finally completed! “Nu Goa from Japan” series is for deliver the cutting-edge Goa sound by YUTA from Matsuri Digital.
Put emphasis to dropping the Japanese Goa sound to the world, and this EP incl REE.K’s new down tempo track “Dass”on Track 1, Track 2 “Acid calling” is YUTA worked with Shimodi Jikooha for year to created and deep and strength tracks which is suitable for analog sound lovers not only Goa trance listeners.
Mastering works for 2 tracks is by an Japansese legend MASA
Please behold Samurai trance for explore deep & dope Goa.