Title : The Naked Sun
Label : Matsuri Digital Chill
Artist : Edendo
Cat No. : MDC006
Release date: Beatport Exclusive 2019.10.25
iTunes, Juno Download etc:2019.11.8
Matsuri Digital Chill release soon the new chillout conceptual album by Berlin based Japanese creator Edendo.Enjoy the electronica jazzy style downbeat as unique sound.
Tsuyoshiの盟友であり、ベルリンを拠点に活動するクリエイター、エデン堂によるユニークなサウンドが詰まったエレクトロニカダウンビート集といえようコンセプチュアルアルバム”The Naked Sun”をリリース!
///Release Note///
夏のある日、突然何処からか僕に降りそそがれたそのサウンドは、次第にある物語を僕に見せ始めた。僕はそのサウンドと物語の中に身を置き、戸惑いながらもその小さな世界に恍惚し、それらを忠実に具現化することに務めた。その様にして完成された The Naked Sun に、僕は鑑賞よりも体験に近い感覚を得た。
“A Symphony enabling metaphysical space travel.”
This sound, which suddenly came to me out of nowhere on a summer day, began to tell a story. Without knowing what it all meant, I put myself into this sound and story. I was enchanted by this little world, so I started my attempt to materialize it.This is how The Naked Sun came into being. It was more an experience than mere conception.
///Track Lists//
1. Intro
2. I Don’t Know You
3. Like In The Moon
4. Ananda’s Yawn
5. The Memories Are Repeating
6. The Naked Sun
7. A Local Mystery
8. Point Of Freedom
9. Now There
10. I Am A Butterfly
All songs Written and Produced by Edendo
Additional Credits:
Composition , Piano , Keyboard , Vocal , Chorus , Mix by Edendo
Drum , Guitar , Bass by Chikara Aoshima
Guitar , Mix by Takeshi Nishimoto
Vocal , Chorus by luziluu
Guitar , Bass by Miharu Endo
Chorus by Moe Obazawa