Title: Roy Sason Re-Edit Collection Vol’ 1
Label: Matsuri Digital
Artist: Rhythmystec, Reflecta
Re: edit: Roy Sason
Cat No. : MD076
Release Date: 23 Dec 2022
2022年を締め括る最後のMatsuri Digitalからのリリースは、Roy Sason Re-Edit Collection Volume 1 !!
Matsuri Digital is delighted to announce the first in a series of releases that will thrill both old- and new-school psychedelic music fans: the Roy Sason Re-Edit Collection Volume 1.
2022年を締め括る最後のMatsuri Digitalからのリリースは、Roy Sason Re-Edit Collection Volume 1 !!
90年代Matsuri からリリースされた、Nick TaylorとRay CastleのユニットRhythmystecによるPlasmatikとNick TaylorとJeh DisconitsのReflectaの名曲Creaturesこの2曲をイスラエルのプロデューサーShidapuことRoy Sasonが再編。Black Rainをはじめ90年代の名曲のRemixをリリースしたRoyによる本作品は、ゴアシーンの貴重なアーカイブ。
Matsuri Digital is delighted to announce the first in a series of releases that will thrill both old- and new-school psychedelic music fans: the Roy Sason Re-Edit Collection Volume 1.
This two-track EP finds Israeli producer Roy Sason reworking two classic Nick Taylor collaborations from the heyday of the 90s Goa scene. Both the 1995 Matsuri classic Plasmatik by Rhythmystec (Ray Castle & Nick Taylor) and the following year’s Creatures by Reflecta (Jeh Disconits & Nick Taylor) emerge with their legendary psychedelic cyber-electro mayhem sounding fresher than ever, their wild rhythms and riffs revamped and revitalized.
Timeless intergalactic Stormers ready to transport home listeners and party dancers to other realms – you won’t want to miss these!
///Track List///
Track 1. Rhythmystec – Plasmatik (Roy Re:Edit)
Track 2. Reflecta – Creatures (Roy Re:Edit)
□Roy Sason
Facebook : www.facebook.com/RoySason.Nsof
Soundcloud : @roy-sason
(Shidapu’s Sc) :soundcloud.com/shidapumusic
Youtube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCVQAzu2OjIN_NcnZ0y_0paw
□Matsuri Digital:
Web : matsuri-digital.com/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/matsuridigitaljp/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MatsuriDigital
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/matsuri-digital/
Bandcamp subscription : matsuridigital.bandcamp.com/subscribe
Instagram: www.instagram.com/matsuri_digital/