Title : Boundless (Tongue & Groove Remix)
Label : Matsuri Digital
Artist : PRANA
Cat No. : MD042
Release date: 2020.06.04
Beatport, iTunes, Juno Download etc: 2020.06.18
サイケデリックとプログレッシブを融合させたスタイルに定評があるイギリス人デュオ、Nano Records 所属のTongue & GrooveがPranaの名曲Boundlessをリミックス!!
Prana’s hit track Boundless from 1996 is the gift the keeps on giving. With several remixes by major artists over the years, including kicking versions by Manmademan and Funky Gong, we now get to hear something a little different with Tongue and Groove’s reworking of the classic track !
サイケデリックとプログレッシブを融合させたスタイルに定評があるイギリス人デュオ、Nano Records 所属のTongue & GrooveがPranaの名曲Boundlessをリミックス!!オリジナルチューンの特徴的なサウンドを生かしながらも、バウンシーなベースに、彼らのテイストでチューニングされたリフが躍動感を曲に与え、バランスの取れたグルーヴィーなダンスチューンとして新しく生まれ変わった。今までもBoundlessのRemixとして様々なアーティストがこの曲をリミックスをしてくれているが、Tongue & GrooveによるこのRemixにも要注目!!
Prana’s hit track Boundless from 1996 is the gift the keeps on giving. With several remixes by major artists over the years, including kicking versions by Manmademan and Funky Gong, we now get to hear something a little different with Tongue and Groove’s reworking of the classic track. The British duo have created a funky, groovy, slower remix that casts familiar parts in a new light. With full-bodied kick, bouncy bass, and some of the signature sounds from the original supplemented by fresh riffs, this new release strikes the perfect balance between uplifting and relaxing … music you can move and bop your head to. Tune in and groove out!
1. PRANA – Boundless (Tongue and Groove Remix)
Written & Produced by Tsuyoshi Suzuki & Andy Guthrie
Remixed by Tongue and Groove
Art cover by Organix , Matsuki , HRK
■Tongue & Groove