Artist : Absolute Hypnotic
Title : Portugoa
Cat No.: MD088
Label: Matsuri Digital
Release Date: 2024.04.26
イスラエルのゴアシーンの若手アーティストRaziel とWonder のユニット Absolute Hypnotic による2曲入りシングルをMatsuri Digitalからドロップ!!
Matsuri Digital is delighted to announce the release of an EP featuring two outstanding tracks by the project Absolute Hypnotic: Portugoa and Bereshit.
/// JPN ///
止まることを知らないイスラエルのゴアシーンでじわじわと頭角を表すRazielとWonderによる新ユニットAbsolute Hypnotic を結成し、初となるシングルをMatsuri Digitalからリリースする。オールドスクールゴアトランスへの愛を感じる音色と今のサウンドを融合させた2曲のシングル。このPortugoa は疾走感あふれるアッパーなゴアトランスが好きなダンサー、深くディープにハマる音を好むダンサーたち両方の心に届くことだろう。
/// ENG ///
Matsuri Digital is delighted to announce the release of an EP featuring two outstanding tracks by the project Absolute Hypnotic: Portugoa and Bereshit.
Absolute Hypnotic is a collaboration with Raziel Harus and Boaz Turgeman, and the two brilliant productions on this release – mastered by the legendary Avi Spacecat – will get dancers around the cosmos moving and grooving.
Portugoa is a high-energy track with a driving rhythm, uplifting harmonic and melodic riffs, and incredible momentum. Bereshit, by contrast, is much slower but still incredibly powerful and uplifting, with some old-school harmonic Goa elements that bring a hypnotic vibe together with extremely psychedelic atonal figurations – an incredible mind-expanding journey!
Two phenomenal tracks by two amazing producers that will shake things up in very different ways – be sure to check these out!
□Absolute Hypnotic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/absolute_hypnotic_trance/
Raziel Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/mogli-10
Wonder Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/user-696962240
□Matsuri Digital:
Web : matsuri-digital.com/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/matsuridigitaljp/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MatsuriDigital
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/matsuri-digital/
Bandcamp subscription : matsuridigital.bandcamp.com/subscribe
Instagram: www.instagram.com/matsuri_digital/