Title: Space Garden
Label: Matsuri Digital Chill
Cat No. : MDC011
Release Date: 1st May 2023 on Bandcamp, Beatport etc
A Japanese Female composer DJ AMIGA and TSUYOSHI SUZUKI collaboration chill tune to be released!
DJ AMIGAとTSUYOSHI SUZUKIのコラボレーショントラックをリリース。
Matsuri Digital Chill 第11作目の作品は、女性クリエイターとして活躍するDJ AMIGAとTSUYOSHI SUZUKIのコラボレーショントラック 「Space Garden」。神妙的なモダンなチルアウトチューンに耳を傾けて欲しい。
Matsuri Digital Chill is delighted to announce the release of a new collaborative downtempo track with label founder Tsuyoshi Suzuki and DJ Amiga called Space Garden.
This collaboration is the beautiful result of Tsuyoshi’s extensive history with a wide range of genres meeting Amiga’s experience as both a DJ and crystal bowl performer. With spacious ambiance, mystical harmonies, aquatic sounds, and gorgeous sonorities, this hypnotic track will lull you into a deep state of relaxation and contemplation with just the right groove.
Unplug and lay back in this beautiful Space Garden – available on Matsuri Digital Chill 1st on May.
///Track List///
Track 1. Space Garden
Written & Produced by DJ AMIGA, TSUYOSHI SUZUKI
Recorded by Kazuaki Noguchi
Mastered by Roy Sason
Cover Art by HRK (25mm Design)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DJAmiga.Tokyo
Soundcloud: @djamiga
□Matsuri Digital & Matsuri Digital Chill
Web: www.matsuri-digital.com/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/matsuridigitaljp/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MatsuriDigital/
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/matsuri-digital/
Soundcloud: @matsuridigitalchill
Bandcamp subscription : matsuridigital.bandcamp.com/subscribe
Instagram: www.instagram.com/matsuri_digital/