Title : PRANA – Alien Pets Fridge 95 Mix 2020
Artist : Prana
Cat No. : MR-12
Official Release date : 18 Dec 2020
今年1番の DATからの発掘物をBandcampで展開しているサブスクリプションサービス、Matsurhythmに満を持して公開!!1995年に TsuyoshiがReturn To The SourceでplayしたPRANA Alien Pets (制作後、テストとしてプレイした時の)バージョンを発見。そして、そのバージョンをRoy SasonがPranaに対するリスペクトでリマスター&リエディットし、25年の時を経て公開。
This is the 12th release cat.MR12.
This is another big discovery from Tsuyoshi’s DAT collection, which he found from his Return To The Source mix at the Fridge in London 1995: an unfinished early mix of PRANA’s Alien Pets!!!!He played it there as a test before the final version of the track was made and released, and he totally forgot it existed!So 25 years later, Roy Sason did a remastering and it sounds totally fresh! Many thanks for helping us make this available, Roy!
(Text by Mark Ainley)
PRANA – Alien Pets Fridge 95 Mix 2020
Written & Produced by Tsuyoshi Suzuki & Andy Guthrie
Remastered & Re:edit by Roy Sason